photo mugs for tourists

14 October, 2022

Why You Should Use Photo Mugs for Your Brand Awareness

It’s not enough to rely on your website, Facebook page, and Instagram account to promote your business. There are many ways you can use today’s social media networks to establish your brand and sell more of your products or services. Photo mugs are a great option that isn’t getting the attention they deserve to get the word out about new products and sales to existing customers.

Here are a few reasons to use photo mugs for your brand awareness efforts

Customised gifts are more cherished
Think about how you feel when you receive a gift or a holiday card that shows that someone took time to think of something special. Did your heart grow three sizes? Or did it melt into a puddle on your floor? We don’t mean to make it sound melodramatic, but when it comes to customised gifts, promotional products matter. When your customers feel like their gifts are thoughtful and customised especially for them, they feel appreciated and valued — which is great news for your brand awareness.

People want something unique
Most consumers have at least one coffee mug sitting around their homes. Some have dozens. Maybe you've been looking at some of your mugs and thought these were boring. We bet you’re not alone; many people feel that way. So, why do we all buy them if they're so boring? It might be because having a standard coffee mug is convenient — but it's definitely not unique.

That being said, there are a few ways to stand out from your competitors and make something much more memorable than what they can offer. One way to do that is with custom photo mugs. These cups are perfect for getting your brand name out there while offering customers an experience they won't forget. And let's face it: Many things online don't live up to expectations. But, when someone buys a product that truly resonates, they're likely to talk about it. They'll show off their new purchase on social media or tell friends how awesome it was.

Now, imagine seeing one of those photos in real life. Think about how powerful that would be to promote your brand awareness and make sure people know who you are when you come up in conversation. This type of marketing works especially well because, unlike traditional advertising methods (like television commercials), printed products give customers something to take home after interacting with your brand.

Custom image mugs sell
Engraved mugs are a very effective way to promote brand awareness, especially if they can be created with custom logos or photos. For example, people tend to keep an eye out for family photos and will see these promotional products as well-crafted photo mugs. This type of mug could be very effective in a business setting when providing gifts to customers who visit your office. Not only will you give them something valuable, but it is also marketing your company simultaneously. With these kinds of custom mugs, it doesn’t matter what industry you are in because almost everyone uses a coffee mug at some point in their day.

The Mugs Only Team